Sunday, January 5, 2014

Extreme Cold Coming to the Ohio Valley

After a rainy Sunday across southern and eastern Ohio we will be watching for extreme cold to effect Ohio starting Monday and continuing into Wednesday. We will have wind chills as low as -40 for Tuesday morning so make sure you stay warm.

Here is 7 AM Monday showing the colder air arriving behind the low pressure system.
As you can tell the temps will be dropping Monday as the arctic front moves through. By 7 PM Monday evening the temps will already be in the negatives. 

Tuesday morning will be the coldest. Wind chills will be below -40 so expect a lot of school closing. 
And just the heck of it here is the 850MB temps for Tuesday morning...haven't seen these temps since 1994.

 After the brief cold shot we will start to warm things back up. The next shot of snow will be Thursday. After that winter takes a break for a few days with temps climbing back into the 40s.

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