Sunday, March 10, 2013

3/10/13 - What Does NW Flow Mean?

Some of you may have heard the term "NW Flow" used in Meteorology when it comes to describing a weather pattern.  I used it if you check out my post this morning on the Cincinnati Forecast Page.  The term, NW Flow means exactly what it says.  You typically will see a ridge of high pressure over the Western US with a trough centered over the Eastern US.  The jet stream rides up and over the Western US ridge, then dives SE out of Canada to form the trough over the East.  Thus, our flow here in the Eastern US is coming straight our of Canada, or a NW Flow in the upper levels of the atmosphere.  Typically, this pattern brings cooler then average weather and dry conditions.  This weather pattern is what we will be seeing next week.

Here is what the jet stream looks like by Tuesday of next week from the 0Z run of the GFS forecast model.  I have pointed out some things on the model image for you to illustrate what a NW Flow pattern looks like.

Lester Rhoads
Ohio Weather Blog Forecaster
Burlington, KY

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