Sunday, March 3, 2013

Winter Storm 3/5/13-3/6/13

As you all now or have heard of the storm that we might get Tuesday night and into Wednesday is looking like the norther section of Ohio will get hit. Looking at the NAM model it is showing at 60hrs that the low will be over north central Ohio. This low will then die out and transfer its energy to the low that is over the southeastern us. You can see the upper level low over southern ohio and this will also aid in the heavier snow fall in the northern counties.

Now the GFS at 60 hrs it has the surface low just a bit south and east of where the NAM has it. The American models are north while the ECMWF is a bit further south. I don’t think the ECMWF is correct and this will need to be watched.

Thats all for now. Make sure you come back later for more information on this storm.

Bryan Polivka
Cleveland, OH
Ohio Weather Blog Forecaster

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